2018 Knox County Corn Growers Plot Yield Summary

  1. Attached you will find the results of the 2018 Knox County Corn Growers plot. We broke the data down into 3 plot results based on the population. There were 3 populations planted with 2 replications per population. The 2 replications were averaged to come up with the final yield result for each population.
  2. We are looking for ideas for next year on how to differentiate the plot. We used population differences this year as a way to get started. We can continue using the population study, but we want to open it up to any other ideas that might fit our format. If you have any suggestions, feel free to call or email me about your idea.
  3. If you are not already a member of the Knox County Corn Growers (Or another affiliate of the Illinois Corn Growers Association) we would encourage you to become a member. We could use any help and input we can get to make our plot as useful as possible to both the corn growers of Knox County and the seed representatives that work with the growers. You are welcome to contact me if you are interested in becoming a member.

View the 2018 Knox Country Plot Trials Report

Thank you for your support of our first annual plot. We look forward to working with you again in 2019!


Mike Shane
Knox County Corn Growers

Give us a call, we're all ears!