Customer Field Test and Plot Results are now available. Check them out below. Prairie Hybrids has yet again accomplished an impressive genetic performance. We would like to thank our corn breeding/research team for putting together such a strong seed corn genetic line-up!
University Trials for 2021
Trial Summaries:
University of Illinois
6878, #1 in the corn following corn Urbana trial.
8229 & 8960, in the top 10 in the Urbana trial.
6878 & 8960, in the top five in corn following corn Monmouth trial.
4470, #2 in the early maturity section of the north region.
4470 & 3259, in the top 5 in the early maturity section of the Dwight and Monmouth trial.
8290, #2 in the Goodfield trial.
8229, in the top 10 in the Goodfield trial.
University of Nebraska
8290 & 8759, #2 & #4 in the Clay County irrigated trial.
6590, #1 in the Saunders County rain-fed trial.
Iowa State University
2430, #6 in the north district, early maturity, all location average, #11 in the northwest district, and #8 in the northeast district.
3259, #5 in the north district, full maturity, all location average, #4 in the northwest district, and #9 in the northeast district.
4470, #10 in the north district, full maturity, all location average, #8 in the northwest district, and #16 in the northeast district.
6590, #11 in the central district, early maturity, all location average, and #5 in the central west district.
Trial Results:
University of Illinois
North Region
East Region
West Region
Urban Corn Following Corn (CFC)
Monmouth Corn Following Corn (CFC)
DeKalb Corn Following Corn (CFC)
University of Nebraska
Saunders County (Rainfed)
Clay County (Irrigated)
Clay County (Rainfed)
Iowa State University
South Region (Short Season)
South Region (Long Season)
Central Region (Early Maturity)
Central Region (Full Maturity)
North Region (Early Maturity)
North Region (Full Maturity)
North Region (Long Season)
OREI Yields
University of Wisconsin
North Central Region (Silage) Late Maturity
North Central Region Organic Grain Trial
South Region (Silage) Late Maturity
South Region (Grain) Late Maturity
South Central Region Organic Grain Trial
South Central Region (Silage) Late Maturity
South Central Region (Grain) Late Maturity
Milk per Ton and Milk per Acre Graph for South Central Region (Silage)
Milk per Ton & Milk per Acre Graph for South Region Late Season Silage
Milk per Acre and Milk per Ton Graph for North Central Region (Silage)
Ohio State University
Early Maturity
Full Maturity
First Mid Ag
North Central, IL (Late)
North Central, IL (Early)
Eastern, IL (Non-GMO)
Mendota, IL (Early)
Mendota, IL (Late)
Geneseo, IL (Early)
Geneseo, IL (Late)
Champaign, IL (Early)
Champaign, IL (Late)
Champaign, IL (Non-GMO)
Onarga, IL (Early)
Onarga, IL (Late)
Onarga, IL (Non-GMO)
Plot Results:
Marvin Garretson, Yorktown, IL
Kurt Geldean, Tampico, IL
Curtis Headings, Tampico, IL
Troy Wagenbach, Dunlap, IL
Derek Shrock, Yorktown, IL
JLM Inc., Avon IL
Les Nelson, Chadwick, IL
Knox County Corn Growers, Rio, IL
Anthony Vanpelt, Columbiana, OH
Gentech Seed, Geneseo, IL
Eldon Byers (1), South Wayne, WI
Eldon Byers (2), South Wayne, WI
Jacobs Farms, Erie, IL
James Amstutz, Apple Creek, OH
Ed Martin Jr., Penn Yann, NY
Superior Crop Products, Linn Grove, IA
Superior Crop Products, Linn Grove, IA
Mark and Marty Helmuth, Kalona, IA
Daylon Niemann, Warren, IL
JLM Inc., Avon, IL
Harlan Martin, Penn Yan, NY
James Shrock, Middletown, MO
Mark Nissen, Audubon, IA
Eric Madsen, Audubon, IA
Ron Romann, Harlan, IA
Farmer Quotes:
Southern Minnesota
Variety 1320 250 bu per ac
“We have noticed the corn on the best ground over 250 bushels has some tipped over. Hillsides and lighter ground are standing pretty good.”
Central Illinois
Variety: 6878 240+ per ac.
Northwestern Illinois
Variety: 6878 255+ bu per ac
Northwestern Illinois
Variety: 3259 105 day, 245 bu per ac
Northwestern Illinois
Variety: 6878 220-319 bu per ac
Henry, Illinois
Variety: 6878 265 bu per ac