The 2019 Customer Field Test and Plot Results are now available–check them out below. As you can see, Prairie Hybrids has achieved a very strong genetic performance. We would like to thank our corn breeding team for putting together such a strong seed corn genetic line-up!

Farmer Quotes for 2019

8759, 114 day RM:

Nebraska – 230 bu average at 18,000 plants per acre, “The ears look like billy clubs—very impressed”
6878, 112 day RM:

Central Illinois – 247 bu per ac field average, “Weighed across scale”
North Central Iowa – 270 bu per ac, “Was my best hybrid two years in a row”
Northern Nebraska – First year customer said 6878 was the “highest yield ever on his farm”
In 2018, Northern Illinois, 6878 average 285 on a 105-acre field.
5787, 108 day RM:

Northern Iowa – “My best hybrid this year”
5200, 108 day RM silage corn:

Southern Wisconsin – 1.25 lbs per ear, 30–40 tons per ac, “It does this every year”
3259, 105 day RM:

Northwest Illinois: 265 bu average
New Prairie Hybrids dealer in Indiana – “We are very happy with our Prairie Hybrids performance”
University Quotes for 2019

2019 University of Illinois

Prairie Hybrids has continued to exhibit strong performance year over year in the University of Illinois yield trials.

West Central Region

6878 2-year average of 256
8229 2-year average of 255
8904 2-year average of 250
7387 2-year average of 249
8759 2-year average of 248
8229 3-year average of 258
8904 3-year average of 250
7387 3-year average of 249
Monmouth Corn Following Corn

8290 #3 at 257 bu
8759 #7 at 249 bu
6878 #10 at 245 bu
East Central Region

8759 at 246 bu versus plot average of 234
8759 #2 rank, 2-year average of 255
6878 #7 rank, 2-year average of 250
6878 #2 rank, 3-year average of 256
8229 #7 rank, 3-year average of 249
7355 #8 rank, 3-year average of 247